Carlo Lombardi’s artistic career in Carnival began with the isolated mask “L’azzeccagarbugli” in 1987. After making a few masquerades as a group, he was promoted to the 2nd category in 1994. His first construction has cinema as its central theme, a world that also fascinates and inspires him in 1997, where he experiments with building a real water fountain for an experiment dedicated to director Federico Fellini.
He won in 2004 with an amusing “Ma che faccia vuoi che faccia se non faccio la mia faccia” His debut in the first category is 2005. He brings to the course the first float featuring a traveling bar. With Roberto Vannucci, however, he signs for two consecutive years (2008-2009) two large floats linked by a single theme: first it is the war between good and evil, two giant knights facing each other to the sound of swords and sabers, then it is the Paradise and Hell from Dante, interpreted according to the dreams of Berlusconi.
In 2021 he won in the second category with a play inspired by Luigi Pirandello and his “Uno, nessuno, centomila”. Since 2023 he has been joined by his son Lorenzo. Together they won in the 2nd category in the very 150th Carnival with “Occhio al malocchio.” Since 2024 they have been competing in the 1st category.