Mappa del Carnevale di Viareggio
Punti di accesso, biglietteria ed eventi: consulta la mappa con tutti i punti nevralgici del Carnevale di Viareggio per organizzare al meglio la tua partecipazione all’evento!
Carnival Citadel
Via Santa Maria Goretti, 5
The Citadel is the heart of Carnival, here you will find the artists' hangars and the Carnival Museum.
Via Marconi Ticket Office
Viale Marconi
Here you can buy admission tickets to the Viareggio Carnival and access the parade on the days of the event. See the different tickets online!
Via Saffi Ticket office
Via Saffi
Here you can buy admission tickets to the Viareggio Carnival and access the parade on the days of the event. See the different tickets online!
Via Vespucci Ticket Office
Via Vespucci
Here you can buy admission tickets to the Viareggio Carnival and access the parade on the days of the event. See the different tickets online!
Piazza Mazzini Ticket Office
Piazza Mazzini
Here you can buy admission tickets to the Viareggio Carnival and access the parade on the days of the event. See the different tickets online!
Viale Margherita Ticket Office
Viale Margherita
Here you can buy admission tickets to the Viareggio Carnival and access the parade on the days of the event. See the different tickets online!